Whoever would like to support Karma Berchen Ling financially, e.g. for building additional houses or improving the infrastructure of the site, is warmly welcomed.

Please enter “Karma Berchen Ling” or “KBL” in the reference line.

A donation receipt is sent to all German residents automatically at the beginning of each following year and to any other donor upon request, providing full name, your email address and address.

Bank Account Germany

Account holder: International Diamondway Buddhism Foundation
Bank name: GLS Bank
IBAN: DE19 4306 0967 0046 9538 11
Porpuse: KBL

Bank Account Greece

Owner of the account: Buddhismus Stiftung Diamantweg
Bank name: Alpha Bank
IBAN: GR61 0140 6520 6520 0200 2004 898
Porpuse: KBL